Matthew Dae Smith Photography
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PLEASE NOTE: On-line image previews do not reflect the quality of the final images.

Every print we make is meticulously toned and color-corrected on calibrated Macintosh Cinema Screens for optimum print quality. We print in-house, on fine-art Epson Ultra Premium Matte heavy-weight archival paper, using Epson Archival inks.

Borders and cropping: The traditional capture aspect ratio of cameras is 2:3; this ratio yields a 4x6 or 8x12 full-frame print. A 5x7 or 8x10 print must be cropped. Because many of my final images are "panoramic" or "squarish," all images are printed full-frame with borders unless otherwise requested. I print all of my personal work this way. It really makes the image "pop out," and retains the overall balance and composition of the image. It also keeps us from having to crop out subjects or other critical information. What's nice is these images look great in standard-sized frames, because the white borders around the image make a custom-cut mat within the frame.

Please don't hesitate to call or email with any special requests, or questions. If you're local, call in your order and save money on shipping. Thanks for visiting.

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